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Cropped intro page image of National Fund's 5th annual meeting agenda

National Fund for Workforce Solutions 5th Annual meeting program booklet, 60 pages in total, includes information about the National Fund, the agenda for the three day conference, employer and frontline champion biographies, and biographies of conference attendees.

About the Project

The National Fund’s annual meeting agenda is a large spiral bound pocket folder that contains all the information needed for the entire conference. The cover is designed to be eye catching and distinguishable from previous years.

Cover and back cover of National Fund's 5th Annual Meeting Agenda

The three day conference agenda has numerous pages with multiple breakout sessions. Icons were created for the breakout sessions to allow the attendee to determine which session tracks they wished to follow with only a glance. The session tracks are explained in full prior to the agenda. Within the agenda itself the icons are repeated at the bottom of every page, with their title as a reminder about which icons are which.

Page spread of breakout sessions and agenda page

The booklet contains a lot of information that is dependent on heavy amounts of text. A strong typographic hierarchy is necessary to make sure the information is quickly scannable.

Page spread of map and biographies

What I Learned

A 60 page agenda is nothing to leave to last minute. I split up the project by designing it in flexible sections allowing any length of information to come at any point and be designed immediately. The breakout icons were created as a starting point to be easily fed into the design as needed. As information came in, I assembled the design to leave room for information yet to come. I did have a page number constraint, so I worked with the National Fund and agreed to make the text of the biographies smaller to take up less room, while keeping the agenda text large and readable since that was the most important information.

I also had constraints on the construction. Normally, agenda pocket folders would have the agenda stapled to the inside of the fold in the pocket folder. Since this agenda was abnormally long, I worked with the printers to come up with a solution that not only allowed for the same general assembled idea but also worked a lot better in terms of assembly and use: spiral bound to the rescue! This gave a spine allowance for the width of the 60 pages but additionally let participants fold the agenda in half making it easier to use and to transport around.


  • Organization
  • Design
  • Illustration
  • Adhering to branding
  • Vender collaboration